Friday, August 30, 2019

'When the Hong Kong government go hard, we go hard'

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Why do we hurt each other?

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

President Trump and The Vaccine Agenda

I woke up in a world just before the new year of 2017, where Marijuana was now medically legal in my state & the new President of my country was Donald Trump. When I first opened my eyes on that morning, i shouted down to my husband, "Who is the president?" I was already feeling butterflies in my stomach, because no matter who's name he said, it was going to be bad or worse. I had been registered as an independent voter after aligning with democrats during the Clinton presidency. I was coming of age in a world where people were progressing as a society. The general public was extremely accepting of each other and our differences. In fact during the 1990's I felt proud to be the generation that would end racism. I loved all the colors of people and all the different religions that they were. Racism was so ignorant, it would actually piss me off to be near people using derogatory words to describe, well degrade, other races, religions or creeds. My generation was mostly sat in front of our televisions, occasionally we played some video games, but you could usually find us in the neighborhood playing with our friends until the street lights came on. Some days you'll find us eating dinner with a neighbor, after we've called to ask our mom's permission, of course. Special events were always held at the skating rink & if you were able to drive or knew the right people, you were almost certainly cruising the strip on the Beach-side. The world I live in now, the one in which I'm trying to raise my son, is not the same world. This world does not know it's neighbors. The children do not play in the neighborhood together anymore and families are shattered and disconnected. Our overall health as a society is the worst it has ever been, childhood diseases and cancers are destroying lives, while people cannot get access to health care. This world where I have to chose my president based on the fact that voting for one, meant certain war with Russia, China and Syria immediately and imminently. Voting for the other meant the environment would be raped to a point of total devastation for current and future generations. The new world I live in now, that we live in now, will forever debate this election. The divide that this presidency has caused is not a new phenomenon. The riots are ( I'm describing riots not protests, I have no issue with protest) on scale this large are something I have not witnessed in my lifetime, but have occurred in generations before me. So on the morning I yelled down to my husband and asked who won the election, I was almost relieved when I heard him say "Donald trump!" I had been supporting the Green Party Candidate. A feeling of shock came over me, my body felt numb but still I was thankful that Hillary did not win. I knew that America had at least a chance to reconcile some of the horrors we have put upon the rest of the world since the G.W.Bush era. I thought about how I had voted for Obama and he did some things I liked and did a lot more that I could never support. So I got out of bed and walked to my Television, like most of the world on that morning. I feel as if I have just been watching since that day. I'm observing everything that has come with this election so far. The impact that social media had on this election and what it continues to do to our society in the wake. Man-kind has not sailed these waters of instant information and everyone and everything being connected to each other with a few clicks and pushing of buttons. We are all on this vessel, over-crowded and sick. Each of us is important and plays a role. All of our opinions are equally valid. None of us are the same yet we all have ego. everyone of us is motivated by the same emotions. It is incredibly difficult to recognize and validate the opposite feeling or emotion in another person. Our vessel has people on it that are not able to have disagreement met with dialog. Violence has been sold to us as a solution to our differences. So we have become incapable, in some cases, to respect another person, to want a dialog, to be willing to sit at the same table with all our differences and reach compromise. I have been impressed with the transparency so far from his administration. This is the type of radical change I expected in the Obama years, but we had none. President Trump has created a panel to study vaccine safety in his first month as president. He has appointed R.F.K. to head this study. I stand in awe as this issue has not been addressed at all in my lifetime. My son became autistic after having vaccinations at 9 months old. My story is not unique and autism is an epidemic. President Trump has said that "Something is wrong" when a "healthy kid goes into the doctor, gets vaccines and becomes autistic." The First Lady Melania Trump is outspoken against vaccines. I have been to the CDC in protest of vaccines. I have spent years trying to recover my son enough so that he may live independently one day, while watching society awaken to the fact that vaccines are not safe. I watched as Jenny McCarthy finally gave millions of families a voice, when she spoke the words of what we all knew. When Oprah helped to give us that voice, I felt the way I do now. I felt hope that no child would ever be poisoned again. So I'm still watching and I'm praying that the next move is to have Dr. William Thompson come before congress, face the millions who have been poisoned and answer to the families of those who died. i pray that God gives President Trump the strength and integrity to lead us out of the darkness of pharmaceutical dictatorship, to destroy the terrorists they attack this vessel and to recognize that our planet needs protection too. So I sit here in this moment, observing and letting this play out. Hoping to reach you, my neighbor and my kindred to open your eyes to the vaccine agenda.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015