Thursday, November 29, 2007

America? Vaccination Truth

"It has gone beyond a parent's right to chose if their child recieves a vaccine or not. Now the government has decided that they are going to FORCE parents to vaccinate or throw them in jail.

 The governor of Maryland has decided to fine parents $50 for everyday that they do not give their middle schoolers a booster for chicken pox and the MMR. "

Vaccines are not mandatory, they are NOT the law. Officials use loaded words like, "required" to give the public a false sense of vaccination law. There is no such law and nothing is "required" BY LAW.
Here's a statement to think about.

                        There are NO AUTISTIC AMISH.
Why? Well the amish do not vaccinate, there has never been an Amish child or adult with autism. Furthermore, there is no law forcing the Amish to do so.

This is America and we are free to chose what,  if any, vaccines we recieve. 
 Would you let a stranger inject your child with something in a syringe that you have no clue about other than the stranger says, "it's good for you, it keeps you healthy?" I know I wouldn't do it. So why do we let doctors, just because they have a title of DR. inject our children with a syringe full of shit that we are not educated about? 

  I would kick the shit out of anyone that tried to touch my son with a vaccine ever again. And I have been in several heated arguments with officials, nurses and employees that "expressed concern" about my son not being vaccinated.

We must all understand that this effects each one of us young and old. Our basic rights as humans are being stripped away everyday. We have to wake up and FORCE change to come. Otherwise we are letting govt. change us and take away our freedoms.


Ketutar said...

I found my way to this blog through YouTube, and the video where you talk to adult ASD people, about cure. You admit understanding it's offensive to speak about cure - because there is none - but still you speak about it. I assume you are "neurotypical" yourself, so you can't even use your condition as an excuse to be rude.
I don't mind people speaking about treatment or easing up the symptoms, on the contrary. What I can tell is that I have Asperger's and Fibromyalgia - both conditions that a lot of people have difficulties in accepting as real conditions that cause me distress. I have heard all the "cure" ideas, for both, and every time there is this idea that a) there is something wrong, that needs to be improved, cured, removed, eradicated, and b) I'm a bad person, lazy, stupid, stubborn, what ever, because I have this condition. I don't bother "curing" my illness, even though there is a "cure".

I have tried all the diets there are. I have tried them for a month, or less, if it has a very bad effect on me. GFCF diet doesn't "cure" me, nor does it remove the "symptoms", or improve my life. It might do so with your son, and I'm glad to hear that, but perhaps he's oversensitive to glutein, and his autism "gets worse", because he's in distress? My AS "gets worse" when I'm stressed, in pain, tired, emotional and some other things.

Also, I hate sensationalism. The governor of Maryland is not Communist nor is he "America". I'm pretty sure you don't know much about Communism, and using Communism as a spooky word to scare people into action stinks McCarthy to high heavens. I can tell you people like that are a more real threat to USA than any Communist ever, and more harm has been done in world by people who are afraid of things they don't understand than people following some or another political ideology. It was not Nazism that was the biggest problem in WWII Germany, but the people afraid of Jews, Socialists, homosexuals, gypsies, black people and everyone else they thought to be different and didn't understand.

I also find the horrified scream defending "basic human rights" offensive as well, considering that the Maryland case was not what you understood it to be and that there are REAL offenses against human rights going on, even in USA, you and people like you don't care one bit about. You seem to react and start screaming only when you perceive YOUR rights in jeopardy. Why would anyone join you?

You are wrong in claiming "there are no autistic Amish". There are.

I would vaccinate my children, even if I believed vaccination causes autism, because autism is a lesser evil than polio, anthrax, smallpox, rabies, hepatitis and so on. I am educated about vaccinations and I know enough of both medicine and history to be able to judge for myself. I'm sorry to hear you are not. I was a bit amazed to hear the parents living in Maryland were not aware of either nor of the law of the place they live in.

Ketutar said...

All - every and each one of them - the problems and difficulties I have because of AS, I have because of the so called "normal" people, and their inability to understand and listen. It would be better to teach people to treat others with respect, kindness, tolerance and patience, than hunt mind ghosts like "vaccines cause autism" and other idiocies. There are not more cases of Autism today than 40 years ago. I had AS already when I was born - 42 years ago - before I was vaccinated, and my mother didn't even have fillings. My brother, born 8 years earlier, has AS too, and he too was born with it. Most adults don't test, because they can manage their lives, and because they believe all the lies and crap poured over us every day - that it's my fault, that I could do something to change, that I'm somehow defect and not as good as "normal", "healthy" people.

And, frankly... if you know your choice of words offends people, but you are unable to change your words... perhaps you are not as normal as you believe to be. Perhaps you are on Autism spectrum, and you gave the defect genes to your son...